Legal Digest, March 2020

Legal Digest, March 2020

March 2020



1. Kazakhstan:

Coronavirus in Kazakhstan: Ways to Mitigate its Legal Effect on Business

Employment Relationships: How to Navigate the Coronavirus and Oil Crises

Kazakhstan: COVID-19. FAQ on Employment Issues

Measures to support taxpayers in a view of imposing the state of emergency in Kazakhstan

Enactment of the new rules on issue of accompanying notes is postponed until 1 July 2020

On State Registration of Legal Entities and Account Registration of Branches and Representative Offices

Practical aspects of application of the Multilateral Instrument in Kazakhstan

2. Kyrgyzstan: 

Provisional measures and decisions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic in connection with the spread of COVID-19

GRATA Kyrgyzstan Monthly Legal Summary

3. Moldova:

Borrowers in Moldova Impacted By Coronavirus

4. Mongolia:

Mutual agreement procedure on double taxation agreements

5. Russia:

Coronavirus, economic crisis and labour relations in Russia. What to expect and why to be afraid?

Pandemic, taxes and bankruptcy in Russia. What to expect and what to get ready for?

Lawyers were allowed to receive a fee

6. Uzbekistan:

Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia have signed agreements for the total amount of USD 2 billion

Uzbekistan has announced the quarantine regime

A draft procedure for conducting field tax audits has been published

Privatization of large enterprises expected in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan established a new procedure for the construction of external advertising

Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved eight laws and rejected the Law on international commercial arbitration

Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine is being reorginized in Uzbekistan

A new law on supporting the development of small and medium-sized businesses has been adopted

Criteria for classification as large taxpayers
