Natalia Zhuk

Natalia Zhuk

Natalia Zhuk is the Counsel, the Head of the intellectual property practice and contract law practice, Co-head of dispute resolution practice at GRATA International.

Natalia has extensive experience in the legal support of the business activities of large distribution companies.


Carries out professional activities since 2005.

From 2005 to 2008 she worked in the field of real estate registration.

From 2008 to 2019 - experience as a corporate lawyer in large distribution companies, including 3.5 years as head of the legal department


There are publications on shared-equity construction, investment agreements and real estate transactions

2000 -2005, Bachelor of law (BSU)2014 -2016, Master of Laws (LLM) (BSU) on specialty "Legal support of economic activity"2016 -2022, Postgraduate studies at the Law Faculty (BSU)
  • Preparation and legal examination of foreign trade agreements, including with leading world food producers, negotiations on the disputed terms of agreements.
  • Preparation and legal examination of contracts with all major retail chains of the Republic of Belarus, conducting negotiations.
  • Legal expertise and advising in the areas of currency regulation, customs clearance, confirmation of product quality, labeling and packaging.
  • Advising a major American financial company on the requirements and restrictions on advertising a money transfer system, including with regard to the content of advertising, documents required for advertising, the terms of the contract with the organizer of the advertising company.
  • Conclusion of contracts for the provision of advertising and marketing services, including with non-residents, legal support for advertising campaigns, advertising games, outdoor advertising and advertising on vehicles, in the media and on the Internet.
  • Full legal support for the project on the reconstruction of the logistics complex, acceptance into operation and registration of real estate.
  • Legal support of a project for a resident of the Republic of Belarus to receive financing under the Russian state program, including the provision of loans and opening accounts with non-resident banks with the receipt of relevant permits.
  • Support of projects for the automation of business processes in large distribution companies, as well as for the automation of transport activities and warehouse logistics.
  • Registration of trademarks, contesting the refusal of registration, conclusion of licensing and assignment agreements for trademarks.
  • Support of large projects for the provision of logistics services.
  • Creation of new legal entities, reorganization, purchase and sale of shares, production lease.
  • Representation of interests in complex legal disputes related to shared construction, lending, logistics services, customs clearance, challenging state registration of real estate, causing harm to health, labor disputes, etc.


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GRATA International Belarus, together with the National Agency of Investment and Privatization of the Republic of Belarus, has released an investment guide

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GRATA International held an online conference: Contemporary issues in the field of protection of IP objects

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GRATA International was a sponsor of the Chamber of Arbitrators 2021 competition


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GRATA International Legal Series (GILS): Commercial contracts

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GILS Commercial contracts: Belarus

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Conclusion of a contract in electronic form in Belarus