Khoren Nasibyan

Khoren Nasibyan

Khoren focuses on contract law, labor relations, IT and telecommunications law, as well as disputes arising from relations in the referred spheres of law.

In 2013 together with his partners founded and led Rod Kurtman Legal LLC as a managing partner. With practice in consulting, he combined work as an in-house lawyer in a number of commercial organizations, namely:

  • from 2019 to 2022 held the position of the Legal Director of the mining company Lydian Armenia CJSC, which is the biggest investment project in the territory of Armenia,
  • from 2018 to 2019 led the contract work in the same organization,
  • from 2008 to 2018 held the managing positions in the legal department of the Armenian subsidiary of the major Russian telecommunication company.

In addition to the legal work in the given period held the position of the executive director in a brandy manufacturing factory in Armenia.

Professional practice other than outsource consulting  includes legal work in the major regional retail, in the pharmaceutical companies and banking sphere, as well as representation in civil and commercial disputes in Armenian and Russian courts.


Contract Law

Family Law

Civil Law


2019 – 2020 – Rome Business School, joint MBA Program with the Valencia International University (Master of Business Administration);

2004– 2006 – Yerevan State University, Faculty of International Relations (Master of International Relations);

1998 - 2002 – Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law (Bachelor of Jurisprudence);

since 2009 – Qualification courses in leading Russian, Armenian, French educational institutions.

Membership in Professional Organizations

2012 – member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia

2016 – registration in the register of the foreign advocates with the right of advocate practice in the territory of Russian Federation.







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GRATA International held an online conference on the topic: Personal data of employees

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GRATA International Armenia in IFLR1000

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GRATA International in Armenia


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Main comments regarding the ra law "on non-cash settlements" entered into force

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Business relocation to Armenia