1. Gambling regulation
The Moldovan gambling sector is regulated by the Law no. 291 of 16.12.2016 regarding the organization and conduct of gambling (hereinafter Law no. 291/2016). It establishes the way of organizing and carrying out activities in the field of gambling, the rights and obligations of the game organizer and the player, the state policy in the respective field, as well as the restrictions on the development of this activity to protect the morality, rights and legitimate interests of citizens.
In the Republic of Moldova the state regulation of the activity in the field of organizing and conducting games of chance is carried out by Parliament, Government, and the Public Services Agency. The supervision and state control of the activity in the field of gambling are exercised by the State Inspectorate for the Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection, as well as by other authorities of the public administration empowered with the right of control and supervision in the limits of the provisions of Law no. 131 of June 8, 2012, regarding state control over the entrepreneurial activity.
Article 6 of Law no. 291/2016 provides the list of gambling activities in Moldova:
According to article 6 of Law no. 291/2016, the state monopoly includes the activities mentioned above in the letters b)-e), except the maintenance of casinos (letter a). The management of gambling activities, which constitute a state monopoly, is carried out through the Joint Stock Company ”National Lottery of Moldova”. Thus, of all the gambling activities regulated by this law, only the casino maintenance activity can be practised freely by the legal entities and is subject to authorization through licensing.