Regulation on Unified State
Register of Claims on Movable
Property is adopted in Kyrgyzstan

Regulation on Unified State 
Register of Claims on Movable 
Property is adopted in Kyrgyzstan

Maintenance of Unified State Register of Claims on Movable Property is that the storage is in the electronic database, all registered rights of claims for the performance of obligations (under the contract) with respect to movable property, security and confidentiality of information held in the National Registry of Claims on Movable Property is provided by the Central Collateral Registration Office under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic.

A new Instruction on the procedure for registering the right of claim for the performance of obligations (under the contract) in respect of movable property is adopted.

The adopted Instruction establishes the procedure for registering, amending and terminating the right to demand for the performance of obligations (under the contract) in respect of movable property and issuance of information from the National Registry of Rights of Claim for Movable Property on the registered right of demand for the performance of obligations (under the contract) in respect of movable property.