On 3 April 2020, the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission adopted the following decisions related to the distribution of COVID-19:
- To exempt from import duties on goods that are imported into the territory of the EAEU, included in the list of critical imports[1]: potatoes; bow; garlic; cabbage; carrot; pepper; rye; long grain rice; buckwheat; prepared foods intended for children; basis for the production of breast-milk substitutes; juices; medicines; Pasteur disposable sterile pipettes; mobile disinfection unit named after Komarov; endoscopes; thermometers and pyrometers, not combined with other devices, electronic.
- To expand the list of goods exempted from import duties and imported into the EAEU territory in order to prevent the distribution of coronavirus infection by the following items[2]: goods for the medicines production; paraffin tape; containers for the safe collection and disposal of medical waste; laboratory thermobags; Dewar vessel; medical freezers.
- For the purpose of providing tariff preferences in respect of goods imported into the EAEU territory from developing or least developed countries - users of the unified system of tariff preferences, until 30 September 2020, a rule is established according to which it became possible to provide an electronic or paper copy of the certificate of goods origin, provided that the original of such certificate will be provided no later than 6 months from the date of registration of the goods declaration[3].
About GRATA International
GRATA International is the largest independent Kazakhstani law firm, and one of the leading law firms in Central Asia and the Caspian Region. GRATA has provided a wide range of legal services in these regions for over 25 years.
Throughout its existence the Firm has developed an experienced tax and customs practice. In view of this, in 2005 the tax and customs department were formed. Unlike many consulting companies, GRATA’s tax and customs team comprised mainly of lawyers and auditors who have experience of working in the tax and customs authorities. This feature enables us to provide our clients not only correct but practically feasible advice.
- Advising on customs regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU;
- Advising on the classification of goods;
- Appealing against decisions and actions of customs authorities to higher authorities;
- Appealing against decisions and actions of customs authorities to the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Customs audit of foreign trade and customs operations of foreign trade activity players;
- Legal support of customs inspections.
For additional information, please visit www.gratanet.com, or contact:
Assel Ilyassova
Head of Tax Department
+7 (727) 2445-777
+7 (701) 763-07-14
This alert for informational purposes only and shall not be treated as a legal advice. GRATA International is not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the aforementioned information without its consent.
[1] Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission N 33 dated 3 April 2020.
[2] Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission N 34 dated 3 April 2020.
[3] Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission N36 dated 3 April 2020.