The end of 2019 is remembered for the active discussion of numerous planned changes that were proposed or planned for 2020. Many people probably remember the sensational news about the electronic employment workbooks. Nevertheless, the first half of the new year fairly "thinned" the shaft of proposals and projects. Some bills are already "in the archive", some will be implemented (if they are) later, but some changes still came into force.
We took the trouble to briefly highlight the main changes that have already taken effect, and briefly explain how it works and what to do about it.
On January 1, 2020, Federal law No. 439-FZ of 16.12.2019 came into force, which provides for the introduction of electronic workbooks in the Russian Federation.
This works as follows: on July 1, the employer must inform employees in writing about the possibility of using an electronic workbook. Until December 31 of this year, the employee must make the appropriate decision, but in the future it is impossible to change the electronic work record back to a paper one.
You can get information about your work on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and on the portal of public services. Those who will enter into employment for the first time in 2021 will no longer have such a choice. Their workbooks will only be in electronic form.
Federal law No. 463-FZ of 27.12.2019 establishes a new minimum wage.
Starting from January 1, it is 12,130 rubles, which is 850 rubles more than before. Of course, all regional district coefficients remain valid, which increases the minimum wage in some regions compared to the Federal one.
Another duty of the employer. Now you will have to report the employee's employment to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
This is a new report from the SRV-TD, which must be submitted to the Pension Fund. Previously, all personnel changes were reflected by the employer in the work books, but now every change will require a new report form.
The new report must be submitted to the following categories of employers:
- those who accepted, dismissed or transferred an employee to another position;
- change the name;
- received an employee's application for choosing the format of the work record.
In fact, everyone will have to submit a new report in the end because of the application for choosing the format of the work record, but some employers may push this point to the end of the year in the absence of other personnel changes.
The trend to move to the digital space of employee-employer relations continues. A draft law allowing electronic document management within the company within the framework of labor relations between an employee and an employer is currently under consideration in the first reading. For example, you can submit an application for leave or a memo electronically. It is assumed that the employer will decide whether to provide for the possibility of submitting documents via the Internet.
On April 1, Federal law No. 104-FZ entered into force, which introduced two significant changes:
First, there are special rules for calculating temporary disability benefits for the period from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
How it works: the amount of the benefit for a full calendar month must not be lower than the minimum wage. All district coefficients must also be taken into account. If the accrued amount is lower, it is subject to recalculation in accordance with the amount of the minimum wage.
In the case of part-time work, the amount of the benefit is determined in proportion to the length of working time.
Secondly, the new law introduced changes to the procedure for monthly payments to families with children.
Federal law No. 418-FZ establishes payment to families in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first and (or) second child, which is assigned if the size of the average per capita income of the family does not exceed two times the minimum subsistence level of the working-age population (for the subject of the Russian Federation). Every year (until the child reaches the age of 3), parents must submit a new application for payment, as well as documents confirming the family income.
Now, new rules have been introduced, according to which from April 1, 2020 to October 1, 2020, you do not need to apply for a new payment period.
The GRATA International St. Petersburg labor practice team closely monitors changes in the field of labor legislation in order to inform its partners and clients about all innovations in a timely manner.
Author: GRATA International, St. Petersburg