Alert: Changes in legislation on e-commerce goods

Alert: Changes in legislation on e-commerce goods

The draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Protocol on amendments to the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union of 11 April 2017" has been published.

The draft law proposes to ratify the Protocol providing for provisions on the regulation of foreign electronic commerce. After the document is agreed upon by the EEU member states, the Customs Code of the EEU will be supplemented by new provisions that define the specifics of the procedure and conditions for the movement of e-commerce goods across the customs border of the EEU.

As part of the envisaged changes, goods purchased by individuals through online stores are identified in a separate category - "e-commerce goods". For customs clearance of e commerce goods, a separate document called a declaration for electronic commerce goods, has been introduced.

The e-commerce operator is the link between the customs authority, the online store and the individual purchasing the goods. The operator is a legal entity registered in the customs registry and rendering services to individuals in connection with the customs clearance of electronic commerce goods. In order to carry out its activities, the operator must have a storage area for the goods, an information system that will allow the operator to interact with the customs authority and secure the payment of customs payments.

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