Uzbekistan introduces incentives for products of international brands

Uzbekistan introduces incentives for products of international brands

In accordance with the Resolution of the President dated November 12, 2022 No. ПП-393 "On measures to provide the population with high-quality products of international brands and create additional conditions for the entry of domestic enterprises into global value chains", starting from January 1, 2023, reduced rates of import customs duty are applied when importing into the Republic of Uzbekistan certain types of goods of international brands on the basis of a direct agreement concluded with brand owners or their authorized suppliers (official distributors, dealers, sales representatives of manufacturers and their distributors , licensees). The document established that reduced rates of import customs duty are applied on the basis of the Register of Importers of Certain Types of International Brand Goods (the "Register"), which is maintained by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated March 9, 2023 No. 99 approved the Regulation on the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the Register of importers of certain types of goods of international brands on the basis of a direct contract concluded with brand owners or their authorized suppliers (official distributors, dealers, sales representatives of manufacturers and their distributors, licensees) (the "Regulation").

The Regulation stipulates:

  • the procedure for the formation, maintenance and approval of the Register;
  • the conditions and requirements for entering an applicant into the Register, the procedure for refusing to be included in the Register and withdrawing from it;
  • the procedure for applying reduced rates of import customs duty by importers of goods of international brands included in the Register.

An application with the necessary documents should be sent to be included in the Register. The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • be registered on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur;
  • have their own (or rented) commercial premises on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the sale of goods.

The authorized body considers the application within 20 working days from the date of its receipt. In case of a positive result of the verification, the applicant is issued a Certificate of Entry in the Register, which is valid for 1 year.
