Turkmenistan has established fines for violating standards for the use of petroleum products

Turkmenistan has established fines for violating standards for the use of petroleum products

The law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of Turkmenistan”, signed by the head of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, defined sanctions measures against persons violating regulations related to the use of petroleum products.

New provisions have been introduced into the Code of Turkmenistan on Administrative Offenses, the official Turkmen press reports.

Now the consumption of petroleum products in excess of limited volumes, misuse, violations of volumes, consumption standards and ensuring technical and environmental safety, illegal sales and acquisition, quality discrepancy with the information in receipt documents and (or) the impossibility of restoring quality, illegal write-off, violation of the procedure for reception, storage, dispensing and processing of used petroleum products will be punishable by a fine.

For individuals it is set in the amount of 1 to 2, for officials - from 2 to 5, for legal entities - from 5 to 10 basic units (1 basic unit - 100 manats).

“Repeated commission of offenses provided for in part one of this article within one year after the application of an administrative penalty entails a fine” for individuals in the amount of 1 to 5, for officials - from 5 to 10, for legal entities - from 10 to 20 base size sizes.

In addition, the competence to consider cases under this article is transferred from internal affairs bodies to the bodies of the State Service for Control over the Use of Petroleum Products for the consideration of cases of administrative offenses.

Oil and Gas