There have been introduced new rules for electronic online auctions and tenders in Uzbekistan

There have been introduced new rules for electronic online auctions and tenders in Uzbekistan

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution “On additional measures to improve the procedure for organizing and conducting electronic online auctions and tenders” No.18 dated January 12, 2022 (the “Resolution No.18”).

In accordance with Resolution No.18, the Regulation on the procedure for organizing and conducting electronic Internet auctions and tenders on the electronic trading platform “E-auksion” (the “Regulation on online-auctions”) was approved.

The Regulation on online-auctions provides for the following:

  • the procedure for publishing a notice of an electronic online-auction, holding it, declaring it invalid and re-holding it;
  • features of the procedure for the sale of seized property, as well as the right to use subsoil plots on the electronic trading platform “E-auksion” to ensure the execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies;
  • the procedure for publishing a notice of an electronic tender, holding it, declaring it invalid and re-holding it;
  • the procedure and conditions for withdrawing a lot from an electronic online-auction (tender).

The Resolution No.18 also approved a list of ministries, departments and organizations interested in integration into the electronic trading platform “E-auksion”. This list includes 13 State authorities.
