The rules for considering a patent holder's application for granting the right to an open license have been approved in Uzbekistan

The rules for considering a patent holder's application for granting the right to an open license have been approved in Uzbekistan

The Order of the Minister of Justice “On approval of the rules for considering an application of a patent holder for granting the right to an open license and publication of information” No. 3418 dated February 7, 2023 (the “Order No. 3418”) approved the rules for filing, considering an application and publishing information about the application of patent holders on granting the right to an open license.

In accordance with the Order No. 3418, patent holders' applications for granting the right to an open license are submitted through the “Industrial Property Protection Portal”. A power of attorney must be attached to the application, if the application is submitted through a representative or a patent attorney, as well as the consent of all patent holders, if there are several.

For the publication of information about the application for an open license, a state fee is paid in the amount of 20% of the basic calculation value (BCV) for residents (approximately USD 5) and 3.5 BCV for non-residents (approximately USD 92).

Intellectual Property