Review of the easing of quarantine measures from June 1

Review of the easing of quarantine measures from June 1

The first month of summer, this year, pleased the residents of St. Petersburg not only with the rare Sunny weather for the Northern capital, but also with rumors about the gradual lifting of quarantine measures, which caused the city's residents to enjoy the interiors of their own homes all spring. Some of the rumors were confirmed.

Governor Alexander Beglov signed a decree on amendments to the decree Of the government of Saint Petersburg dated 13.03.2020 No. 121 "on measures to counteract the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Saint Petersburg".

Most of the measures aimed at combating the spread of coronavirus infection in Saint Petersburg are extended until 14.06.2020, but there are also some eases due to the fact that the spread of the virus has slowed down, and the city's readiness to fight the disease has increased. What changes from June 1?

First, wearing masks and gloves on the streets of the city since June 1 is recommended. However, the obligation to use these means of protection still remains when visiting organizations and individual entrepreneurs, trade facilities, train stations and airports, at all public transport stops (including the metro) and, of course, in public transport. Also, a mask and gloves are required when visiting cemeteries, which are considered permitted from June 1.

Secondly, the self-isolation regime is being lifted for citizens over 65 years of age, but the recommendation not to leave their place of residence unless absolutely necessary is still maintained.

Third, since June 1, legal and notarial services are allowed. They can only be provided by appointment.

Another change is the reinstatement of discounted and free travel tickets, but the same discounted tickets for commuter transport will be suspended until June 14.

On June 5, the Governor signed another decree on amendments to Government decree No. 121. Thus, from June 8, retail facilities with an area of up to 400 square meters will be opened.m with a limited presence of visitors (1 person per 4 sq. m) and if the fitting areas are closed. An additional condition is a separate entrance. This measure does not apply to retail facilities located in the shopping center and shopping center, they will be opened later.

In addition, the decree allows the operation of car dealerships, of course, with restrictions. Visits will be made by appointment, no more than 10 people can be in the room at the same time, and test trips by motor vehicles are currently prohibited. Work can only be resumed after notification to the Committee on industrial policy and development of safety standards.

Developer organizations will also be able to resume selling residential and non-residential premises. Developers will be able to provide services for the sale of Parking spaces by appointment.

Since June 22, new restrictions have been relaxed in the city to resume short- term car rental car sharing. Car landlords are required to carry out mandatory regular disinfection of cars before handing them over to customers. Also, from this moment, the sanatoriums will resume working, but you will only be able to get into them on medical grounds and on the basis of the conclusions of medical commissions.
