In accordance with the Order of the Director of the National Agency for Perspective Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3409 dated December 30, 2022, the Regulation on the procedure for registration of participants in a Special regulatory regime in the sphere of turnover of crypto assets ("regulatory sandbox") was approved. Grounds purpose of the Provision are the following:
The regulation establishes a legislative prohibition for applicants applying for the status of a participant in a special regime to accept or use crypto assets under a special regime on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a means of payment, as well as transactions with anonymous crypto assets, mining of anonymous crypto assets and the implementation of hidden mining.
It should be noted that the participants of the special regime have been granted the right to carry out pilot projects without obtaining a license or permissive documents in the sphere of turnover of crypto assets.
At the first stage of registration, the applicant submits an application and documents for registration to the National Agency for Advanced Projects, which are considered within 20 to 30 working days. The following documents are submitted for registration:
The decision on registration is made on the basis of the conclusion of the working body – the Sector of the Special Regulatory Regime in the sphere of crypto Assets turnover of the National Agency for Perspective Projects and the relevant information is entered in the register.
The Regulation also establishes mandatory requirements for the final beneficiaries of persons applying for the status of a participant in the special regime: they cannot be: