Regulatory developments in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Regulatory developments in the
legislation of the Republic of 

Abandoned state property will be revived or sold

Unused objects of state property, including educational institutions (except academic lyceums and professional colleges), health and sports, culture and free land plots of state organizations will begin to be involved in economic activity.

The owners of unused assets will receive a request from the territorial departments of the State Assets Management Agency and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadaster.

The owners are required to submit a “Roadmap”, which is approved by a special regional working group for the efficient use of facilities and free land within 2 months. In the event if the balance holders do not submit the “Roadmap” or the measures provided for in it for the effective use of the unused assets are not met within the prescribed period or the approval thereof is refused, the local legislative and executive authorities have the right to decide on the seizure and sale of the unused assets.

Ban on the import of generating equipment

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 22 August, 2019 No.PP-4422 “On accelerated measures to improve energy efficiency of economic sectors and social spheres, implement energy saving technologies and develop renewable energy sources”, starting 1 September, it is forbidden to import into the Republic of Uzbekistan generating equipment, power step-down transformers, electric motors and power-consuming equipment of energy efficiency in category D.

Professional training for patent attorneys

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 8 February, 2019 No.PP-4168 “On measures to improve public administration in the field of intellectual property”, from September 1, patent attorneys must undergo professional training at least once every five years with a subsequent certification. It also provides for the introduction of advanced educational standards and technologies in the process of training, retraining and professional training of specialists in the field of intellectual property.  
