The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution “On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for organization of the cotton and textile clusters” No.733 dated December 4, 2021 (the “Resolution No.ПКМ-733”).
In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for organization of the cotton and textile clusters approved by Resolution No.ПКМ-733 (the “Regulation”), the creation of a cotton textile cluster is carried out by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on the conclusion of the Republican Commission.
Herewith, the provision of a land plot to a cotton-textile cluster on the basis of a lease right is carried out on the basis of an application from the applicant. The application is submitted through the Single Interactive Portal of Public Services and the Ministry of Agriculture will consider the completeness of the attached documents within 2 (two) business days. If the documents are not submitted in full, the Ministry of Agriculture will provide the applicant with 5 (five) business days to eliminate the deficiencies. In this case, the Ministry of Agriculture has the right to return the application if the applicant does not submit the missing documents after this period.
When creating cotton-textile clusters, preference is given to an applicant, who has a capacity of its own processing (at least yarn) of at least 50% of the produced or purchased raw cotton.
Moreover, a four-way agreement is concluded between the Ministry of Agriculture, the Association of Cotton-Textile Clusters of Uzbekistan, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan or the regional khokimiyat, respectively, and a contender for the creation of a cotton-textile cluster, for a period of 30 years. Moreover, if the applicant is an enterprise with foreign investment or a foreign legal entity, then the four-way agreement is concluded for a period of up to 25 years.
In addition, the Regulation indicates:
The Regulation also stipulates that all cotton and textile clusters in one region (in the Republic of Karakalpakstan or the corresponding region) are allowed to carry out activities with farms on a contractual basis and farms - to voluntarily conclude futures contracts with these clusters for the supply of raw cotton.