On the circulation of pharmaceutical products

On the circulation of 
pharmaceutical products

This Presidential Edict instructed the Ministry of Health to establish a state institution — the National Pharmaceutical Inspection in the Sphere of the circulation of pharmaceutical products «Gosfarmnadzor», by May 1, 2020. This organization is subject to the Ministry of Health, and will be financed by contributions from state pharmacy networks. The institution is created to prevent the entry into circulation of pharmaceutical products and withdrawal from this circulation of substandard, counterfeit medicines, expired drugs, as well as to fight against violations of the law on the circulation of medicines.

The edict also established, that the state registration of medications that are already registered in some countries*, as well as those used for treatment of tuberculosis, hepatitis C, HIV infection; vaccines that have passed the WHO re-qualification program, will be carried out in a simplified manner.

— Commonwealth of Australia, Republic of Austria, United States of America, Canada, Swiss Confederation, Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Federal Republic of Germany, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Spain, Portuguese Republic.
