On preparation and holding the Ice Hockey World Championship

On preparation and holding the 
Ice Hockey World Championship

Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus, dated January 10, 2020, No. 10

The visa-free entry rules are established for arrival to the Republic of Belarus, a departure from the Republic of Belarus, and temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus:

from 20 April to 31 May 2021 for the participants of the world championship;

from 1 to 31 May 2021 for the foreign tourists, who are citizens of certain states, specified in Annex (44 countries).

It may be recalled, that in addition to the above, 30-day visa-free entry is provided for the citizens of 73 countries (complete list — https://www.belarus.by/rel_image/6399), and to the «Grodno — Brest» visa-free tourist zone — for 15 days.
