Samat Daumov, Partner of GRATA International became a member of the Young President Organization Kazakhstan

Samat Daumov, Partner of GRATA International became a member of the Young President Organization Kazakhstan

Samat Daumov, Partner, Representative of GRATA International in the UAE became a member of the worldwide Young President Organization (YPO), which unites young and successful businessmen, top managers of the largest companies in the world.

Today, globally, the organization has more than 26 thousand members from more than 130 countries, the total revenue of the companies of which is about $9 trillion, which exceeds the GDP of many countries.

This is an international closed club of businessmen where the criteria are quite serious, and you can only get into it with the general agreement of the members of the local chapter. The Kazakh club has about 30 members.

The main criteria for joining the YPO, both in the world and in Kazakhstan, is the age match of the participant (be under 45 years old at the time of joining) and his business in scale.

The main goal of YPO is to form a global network of successful young managers, providing participants with unique opportunities to exchange ideas and experience on a variety of topical issues of our time, from geopolitics and business to issues of social responsibility and private interests. The organization works closely with leading educational institutions, including Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School and London Business School.

The active participation of married couples and their business partners in this organization is explained by the presence of a large number of interest groups, including family business, real estate, cooperation with different countries, etc., within which they can share business or personal problems with a guarantee of complete confidentiality.

"I am honored to be accepted as a member of the YPO!

I would like to thank Aydin Rakhimbaev, Berik Kaniev and Islambek Salzhanov for their recommendations, as well as other YPO members who supported my candidacy.

Now the time for unification is even more relevant, especially considering the multifaceted experience and body of knowledge of the organization's participants, this gives us the opportunity to unite efforts for effective business, communication and support each other at the global level,” said Samat Daumov.

More detailed information can be viewed on the official website:
