During the Month of February 2018 GRATA International (Russian Federation) generated the most usage from Mondaq users for the category of commercial law.
At the end of every month, for each country, Mondaq analyses which articles elicited the most reader response from Mondaq registered business readers: 'The Most Reader Response'. Reader response is based on readers who have emailed the contributor as a result of reading the article, gone from the article to the contributor's website or address details, or provided a qualitative ranking for the article as to how useful they found it. The reader may have come upon the article either on the Mondaq site, www.mondaq.com, via personalised newsletters, or via one of the Mondaq feeds to 3rd party sites. All readership for this article consists of real, identified individuals and no anonymous readers are included in the conferral of this award.
Mondaq is one of the world's most comprehensive online resources of professionals' expertise and knowledge. Since 1994 they have been working with leading professional advisers the world over to deliver insight, opinion and commentary on legal, regulatory and financial topics across every continent.
The last few articles added by this firm.
The International Comparative Legal Guide Series - Franchise 2018: Russia (GRATA International)
Data Protection 2017 (GRATA International)
Restriction On The Admission Of Certain Food Products Of Foreign Origin For State And Municipal Procurement Purposes In Russia (GRATA International)
Medical Devices Circulation In Russia: Admission To State And Municipal Procurement And Incentives For Localisation Of Manufacturing (GRATA International)
State Registration Of Real Estate Rights: Changes In The Procedure For Certification And Amount Of The Fee For Provision Of Information From Registers (GRATA International)