On 26th of July the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decision under #229 on making amendments to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 26, 2021, #151 "On measures to extend the special quarantine regime and remove some restrictions."
According to the said decision from September 1, 2021, at least 80% of employees of state bodies (institutions), as well as employees of the following enterprises (regardless of employment or civil contracts) are required to be vaccinated with the first dose against COVID-19; and from October 1, the second dose against COVID-19- or a certificate of immunity against COVID-19 is required:
- all medical and pharmaceutical enterprises regardless of the form of ownership;
- all scientific and educational institutions, regardless of the form of ownership;
- enterprises operating in a number of areas of work and services listed in the appendix to the decision such as:
- in the field of utilities
- in the field of transport, logistics and communication
- in social sphere
- in the field of trade and catering
- in the field of tourism
- On financial services
- In other areas (polygraphy, repair of machinery and equipment, real estate services, advertising, teaching, tutoring and translation services, services related to entrepreneurship (consulting on accounting and auditing, law, commercial activities and management)) and other similar work and services provided to the business entities) and etc.
Apart the stated, persons over the age of 18 in the following places can use indoor services only if they have COVID-19 passports:
- in public catering establishments;
- in hotels;
- in large shopping centers.