Astrakhan offers Turkmenistan a new direction of cooperation in the energy sector

Astrakhan offers Turkmenistan a new direction of cooperation in the energy sector

The Astrakhan region of Russia and Turkmenistan have prospects for cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Astrakhan government Denis Afanasyev within the framework of the XXVIII International Conference and Exhibition “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan”, TASS reports.

“The Astrakhan region is among the Top 5 regions of the Russian Federation for the development of renewable energy sources. I see a good field for interaction in this direction. Moreover, both Turkmenistan and the Astrakhan region are similar in their geographical and climatic conditions. Such cooperation could also be interesting for Turkmenistan; this is a promising area for interaction,” Afanasyev said.

It was noted that currently about 50% of all electricity generated in the region is achieved through renewable energy sources, and the same model of energy production can be established in any country in the Caspian Basin.

In 2024, Turkmenistan plans to commission a 10 MW power plant powered by wind and solar power.

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