Shaimerden Chikanayev spoke in the Public Procurement Conference 2024

Shaimerden Chikanayev spoke in the Public Procurement Conference 2024

Shaimerden Chikanayev joined as a speaker the Public Procurement: Global Revolution 2024, the two-day international conference on public procurement regulation organised by the Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG) University of Nottingham. Plenary sessions and workshops were dedicated to discussions on New Developments in International Procurement Regulation, topical issues in procurement, AI, etc.

Shaimerden Chikanayev spoke with his presentationTowards the Common Understanding of PublicPrivate Partnership as a Universal Legal Concept’ in the framework of the workshop on PFI modelling and collaboration.

The Global Revolution conferences have been held annually since 1997. The first in person event post-COVID attracted over 200 participants, included 38 sessions and hosted over 100 speakers. The conference brought together an array of public procurement experts and talent, including representatives from most of the major international institutions working in public procurement, purchasing professionals, lawyers and consultants, as well as academics.

*Currently on a study sabbatical until 2026, not an employee of GRATA.


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Shaimerden Chikanayev
Shaimerden Chikanayev