Marina Kolesnikova

Marina Kolesnikova

Марина Колесникова – GRATA International кеңесшісі. Ол кеңес беруге, кадрлық құжаттаманың аудитіне, еңбек шартын тоқтату процедурасын құқықтық қамтамасыз етуге және еңбек құжаттамасын әзірлеуге, еңбек құқығы секторына назар аударады.


  • Қазақ мемлекеттік заң академиясы, 2000

Қызмет көрсету саласы: 

  • Еңбек құқықтары саласы

Маманданған саласы: 

  • Кеңес беру

  • Кадрлық құжаттамалар аудиті

  • Еңбек шартын бұзу тәртібін құқықтық қамтамасыз ету

  • Кадрлық құжаттама әзірлеу


«Бизнес и власть», «Нерезиденты», «ФБ-Кадры», «Справочник кадровика» журналдарында еңбек шартын жасау және бұзу, еңбек жағдайларын өзгерту, шетелдік жұмыс күшін тарту туралы мақалалар жарияланған.

  • Avising one of the major Kazakh Mining Company on hiring and dismissing senior managers;
  • Advising one of the major Kazakh Metallurgical Company on implementation of the staff incentive system;
  • Advising the major Kazakh Gas Producer on hiring foreign staff;
  • Advising Kazakh Telecom Holding on staff optimisation in connection with reorganization;
  • Auditing HR documentation in Kazakh subsidiaries of an international manufacturer and supplier of telecom equipment for mobile networks, the Hungarian Oil and Gas Holding Companies, the major Chinese Energy Company, the representative office of the international pharmaceutical company, the largest Kazakhstani cement producer, and a Kazakhstani subsidiary of Chinese Oil-and-Chemical Corporation;
  • Legal support of the termination of labour agreements with senior managers of representative offices of several major pharmaceutical companies, an international manufacturer of confectionery, a leading Kazakhstani mining company, and Kazakhstani subsidiary of the International Producer and Supplier of Infant Food;
  • Drafting labour agreements for Kazakh subsidiaries of major international companies specialising in the manufacture of aircraft and aerospace technology, and power equipment, Kazakh gold mining company;
  • Implementation of the new form of a labour agreement in Kazakh Subsidiary Bank of a major European Financial Holding;
  • Drafting a bonus clause for Kazakh subsidiary company of a major International Engineering Holding;
  • Drafting job descriptions, labour regulations for representative offices of a major Innovative Production Company, American company - one of the world market leaders in manufacturing and marketing consumer goods, the international group that produces confectionery.


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GRATA Law Firm is recognized as a regional contributor to the World Bank Doing Business Report 2013


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Changes to the Labour Code of Kazakhstan Regarding Outstaffing Issues

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Alert. Agreement on Pension Coverage for Employees of the EEU Member States

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Employment Relationships: How to Navigate the Coronavirus and Oil Crises