Leila Makhmetova

Leila Makhmetova
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Leila Makhmetova

Серіктес, Экологиялық құқық департаментінің директоры

Лейла Махметова – GRATA International компаниясының экологиялық құқық департаментінің және лицензиялар мен рұқсаттар департаментінің кеңесшісі, директоры. Ол сот ісін жүргізу және дауларды шешу, қоршаған ортаны қорғау құқығы, денсаулық және қауіпсіздік, әкімшілік құқық мәселелеріне назар аударады.

Ләйлә Махметованың экологиялық дауларды шешуде тәжірибесі мол. Оның клиенттерді ұсынудағы жетістігі тұрақты және тұрақты болды. Лейланың клиенттері арасында ауыр өнеркәсіптің ең көрнекті қайраткерлері бар. Бұған дейін Ләйлә Қазақ заң-гуманитарлық университетінің аға оқытушысы және ҚР Әділет министрлігі басқаратын Заң шығару институтында заңгер сарапшысы болған.


  • 1996 ж. – Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің заңгер мамандығы бойынша бакалавр дәрежесі,
  • 2007 ж. – заң ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесі.


  • Экологиялық құқық
  • Лицензиялар мен рұқсаттар

Өнеркәсіп секторлары:

  • Сот ісін жүргізу және дауларды шешу
  • Экологиялық құқық
  • Денсаулық және қауіпсіздік


  • Орыс
  • Ағылшын
  • development of draft amendments to environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and recommendations on introduction of amendments to environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • development of legislative acts, bylaws on strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment;
  • preparation of reviews on environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • development of standards and/or methods and/or reference materials in the area of environmental legislation;
  • providing of environmental due diligence and/or provision of legal opinions (recommendations) for identification of risks in the sphere of environmental legislation;
  • representation during state environmental inspections;
  • representation in court regarding issues related to the environmental damage compensation;
  • advising companies of quasi-public sector on issues related to the environmental expertise of projects.
  • due diligence of two Kazakh oil companies on the availability of all permits required for their activities;
  • advising a foreign company on compliance of draft contracts for import to Kazakhstan and sale of scrap metal with Kazakh legislation;
  • advising a foreign company on what permits and notifications are required for construction of street railway and import of trams to Kazakhstan;
  • advising a foreign company on what permits and notifications are required for construction of a belt highway in Kazakhstan;
  • advising a foreign company on the procedure of reissue of an industrial license in the case of consolidation of a licensee with another company;
  • due diligence of a cigarettes production company for compliance with the legislation on industrial safety and protection of the environment;
  • advising a Kazakh company on what requirements are applicable to the activities on sale and installation of lifts at industrial facilities;
  • advising different commercial companies on legal requirements to marking of goods;
  • advising a foreign company on legal requirements to burning of associated and natural gas in the course of electricity production;
  • due diligence of an agricultural company on the availability of all permits required for its activities;
  • advising an international law firm on what governmental licenses, permits, approvals etc. are required for construction of a wind power plant, import to Kazakhstan and storage all necessary building materials;
  • drafting the memorandum  on the terms and condition of obtaining quota for greenhouse gases emissions for power station;
  • due diligence of a Kazakh company plant on the availability of all licenses and permits for a thermal power plant and compliance of the plant with Kazakh environmental legislation;
  • advising a foreign company on safety requirements for vehicles and equipment provided for by legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • advising an oil company on what licenses and permits are required for construction of a gas turbine electric power station;
  • advising a foreign company on the procedure of obtaining permits for construction of a facility (including permits and other documents for connection of the facility to electric networks);
  • due diligence of documents for land plots to be obtained for construction of different facilities (plants, power plants, agricultural facilities etc.);
  • advising a foreign company on construction permits;
  • advising a foreign company on licensing in the area of architecture, town-planning and construction;
  • due diligence of three debtors at the request of a foreign bank on the availability of all licenses and permits required for the construction of main gas pipelines;
  • drafting the memorandum on licenses and permits required for modification of vehicles;
  • successful protection of interests of a large uranium-mining company in economic court in appeal against suspension of operations for violations of industrial safety legislation;
  • successful protection of interests of an oil company in the Ministry of Environmental Protection of RK;
  • successful representation of interests of a company in the field of chemical industry in the Supreme Court of RK in the Settlement of a dispute over the ownership of production wastes;
  • successful representation of interests of a major oil company in appeal against fines for pollution of land resources, waste storage and breach of requirements of environmental monitoring of production;
  • successful protection of interests of an oil company in the proceedings concerning administrative land law violations;
  • successful representation of interests of an oil company in appeal against fines and a claim for pollution of the environment by flaring of associated gas;
  • successful representation of interests of an oil company in appeal against fines and a claim for damage to the environment caused by oil spill;
  • sdvising a Kazak oil company on the legal liabilities for an emergency on an oil well;
  • successful representation of interests of an owner of a power plant against fines and a claim for damage to the environment caused by emission of pollutants into the environment;
  • successful representation of interests of a mining company against fines and a claim for damage to the environment caused by emission of pollutants into the environment;
  • successful representation of interests of an oil company against a claim connected with loss of associated gas.


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Expected changes in Kazakh legislation related to the implementation of the blockchain technology

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Expected changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data

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Draft of the new Environmental Code of Republic of Kazakhstan: key points for entrepreneurs