Commercial Contracts

Commercial Contracts

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The modern commercial relations use various types of commercial contracts, from simple and standard  to complex and cross-border which require thorough structuring and involve different legal risk mitigation instruments. 

GRATA International lawyers are focusing on development of various commercial contracts for all businesses. Our clients trust us because we can combine our knowledge of laws and  understanding of clients' interests with the vast practical experience.  When developing contracts and structuring transactions, we refer to our wide international experience to provide legal protection for our clients at all implementation stages of business projects.

We develop contracts of sale-and-purchase, supply, construction, service, transportation, lease, commission, consortium agreements, franchise agreements and distribution agreements, leasing, financial and loan agreements, preliminary agreements and memoranda of intent, and all other types of commercial agreements applicable in modern business processes. We advise clients and structure complex deals. We are focusing on development of contracts applicable to specific types of commercial activities (for example, FIDIC), advise in connection with participation in procurement procedures and represent clients in courts.

Our experience in transaction structuring has been acknowledged by several rankings, including The Legal 500, Chambers and Who’s Who Legal..


  • Development of supply contracts and distribution agreements;
  • Development of construction contracts;
  • Development of concession and other agreements within the framework of public-private partnership projects;
  • Development of contracts of sale and purchase, lease and management of various types of real estate;
  • Development of model agreements for the activities of real estate management companies, subsoil users, telecommunications companies, airlines, IT companies, manufacturers and suppliers of various types of goods, and many other companies;
  • Development of leasing agreements and advising on such agreements;
  • Development of feedstock and offtake agreements;
  • Development of transportation contracts;
  • Advising manufacturers and suppliers of various types of products, manufacturers of equipment and vehicles, service companies in the course of participation in procurement procedures;
  • Development of all other types of commercial agreements, including contracts for the supply, provision of services, transportation, lease, orders and commissions, consortium agreements, franchise agreements, leasing agreements, financial agreements and loan agreements, preliminary agreements and memoranda of intent, and all other types of commercial agreements applicable in modern business processes;
  • Review of commercial contracts as a part of Due diligence procedure.



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Chambers Global 2024 Guide recognizes GRATA International

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GRATA International Belarus is a partner of the second season of the BLC 2023 legal case championship in the Contract Law section.

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GRATA International, Belarus, took part in the first-ever forum for Belarusian business "Export league"


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GRATA International Legal Series (GILS): Commercial contracts

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Conclusion of a contract in electronic form in Belarus

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Doing Business in Kazakhstan


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GRATA International Astana office summarizes the first half of 2024 at relaxing off-site conference

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GRATA International will hold an online conference: Topical issues of contract law

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GRATA International, Samara office will hold a webinar: "Business owner risk assessment and protection methods in Russia"
