International trade is an integral part of the economic activity of our clients. The international trade law covers a wide range of questions, from confidential negotiations on commercial contracts between companies to the state laws regulating cross-border trade and the international agreements of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) among others.
General development of international trade, including integration within the Uniform Economic Space and the Customs Union, provides new business possibilities for companies and sets them new tasks. We handle the challenges faced by companies by understanding the the practical application of standards of the "new" customs legislation and the need for compliance with its requirements.
Awareness on the latest changes and development prospects coupled with timely adaptation to the constantly changing requirements of customs legislation is a necessary condition for minimising the risks connected with customs registration and payment of taxes and customs duties.
Our experts can help with customs and contract regulation issues, currency control, and questions of intellectual property when importing or exporting goods.
Our international trade law practice was specifically created for the purpose of satisfying our clients’ needs in light of recognition of Kazakhstan as a full member of the WTO since November 30, 2015 and the effect of the treaty of the establishment of the EEU on January 1, 2015.
Today, we provide high-quality legal advice in the sphere of international trade law to assist our clients with transnational projects in the most effective way and to reduce the risk of conflicts occurring with customs and other government bodies of Kazakhstan.
The lawyers of GRATA International have profound knowledge, and they are qualified in all aspects of customs and currency regulation in Kazakhstan. Our experience and competence help our clients understand potential complications in the activities of their companies and to optimise their foreign economic activity.
We work in close cooperation with the best international law firms and experts in WTO dispute settlement in the world.
GRATA International provides the following legal services, among others, in relation to international trade law and the law of the WTO:
- advise on the foreign trade activity, development of the new foreign markets and dealing with barriers in international trade;
- carry out the expert analysis of the international economic treaties, as well as obligations of Kazakhstan as a member of the international trade organisations and regional associations in the context of advantages and risks to business;
- legal support in both Kazakhstan and the international courts of justice and arbitration, Court of EEU, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and also at various international venues concerning the international trade law;
- represent clients interests in the relations with Kazakhstan government bodies and participate in lawmaking activities on questions of international trade;
- assessment of dispute settlement prospects with the use of protection mechanisms within the WTO, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and EEU, and development of strategy for such protection;
- representation of interests of the Kazakhstani clients within the investigations coming from introduction of the anti-dumping, countervailing and protective measures which are carried out by national authorities of the USA, the EU and other countries;
- consultation of the foreign import companies concerning the customs law of Kazakhstan, including: Kazakhstani customs classification, rules of an assessment and goods origin, preferential trade regimes and free trade zones, such as EEU;
- consultation of the foreign import companies on the Kazakhstan legislation in the field of technical regulation, sanitary wellbeing of the population, food security;
- consultation of the foreign import companies on the Kazakhstan legislation in the field of protection of intellectual property;
- consultation of the Kazakhstani clients concerning export of goods, services and objects of intellectual property to the countries falling under export control, embargo and economic sanctions;
- representation of Kazakhstani and foreign clients in the disputes arising in connection with violation by the states of norms of the WTO and other trade agreements both in bodies of the WTO for settlement of disputes, and in the appropriate regional and national authorities;
- structuring transactions with use of the advantages provided by rules of international trade including norms of the WTO, and also carrying out (preparation of) regional and bilateral trade agreements;
- consultation of clients concerning the conclusion of export-import transactions.
